Friday 15 March 2013

Post #7: Post-test stress

I'm talking about syllabic stress (aw yeah, let's get the poetry started) : 

white pages and empty spaces/
the vast expanse of a test undone/
the clock uncogs and so begins the hum/
the familiar tap tap of pencils like drums/

without time to stall the students scrawl/
the answer to the first question/
obvious to those who paid attention/
to solve it meant algebraic expansion/

moving on to the second question/
two out of three in tidy succession/
the logic was clear and without/
fear  I deftly attacked the problem/

pencil in hand and feeling in command/
the third question now lay before me/

who was to say that the previous day/
I had forgotten to look at floors and ceilings?/
nonetheless I can say I tried my best/
to deduce the answer through reasoning/

but tick tock announced the clock/
as classmates finished triumphant/
pound pound my heart was a-flutter/
amid the backdrop of constant mutters/

the end was nigh and with a final sigh/
the test was returned unfinished/
had I not been so careless and aloof/
I would have finished the very last proof

It turns out that last question was extremely straightforward (it was by far the shortest proof out of the three). I figured out how to prove it 5 minutes after handing in my test. Sigh, mais c'est la vie.