Saturday 23 February 2013

Post #5: Reading week update

As reading week comes to a close, I can conclude that it was mainly productive -- I say 'mainly' because as productive as I would like myself to be, I am prone to getting distracted by certain television series (note to self: finishing the entire first season of Girls in one sitting is not healthy nor socially acceptable, even though it is a good series).

However, I did get caught up in my other classes, and now I have started to seriously review the lecture slides / notes for 165. The proofs that we have been doing so far in lectures have been straightforward, but I definitely need to spend more time looking at the general structure of the different types of proofs (proof by contradiction, direct proof, etc.) in order to be able to quickly identify which proof I should be using in my answers. This familiarization of the different proof structures will no doubt be of immense help when it comes time to write next week's tutorial quiz.

Also, I have begun to think about possible problems that I could solve using Polya's method. So far, I have found some interesting problems in "Alice in Puzzle-Land: A Carrollian Tale for Children Under Eighty." (As an aside, if you have not read this book yet, you should! The author is extremely witty and writes in true Carrollian style. Plus, it's an eclectic mix of Alice-meets-logic puzzles -- how could you resist?) 

The 'knights and knaves' logic puzzle was actually created by the author of Alice in Puzzle-Land, so there are a lot of these types of problems there. Safe to say, I will be writing up my solution to one of those problems very soon. 

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